Differences Between Mutual Funds, Unit Trust Funds and VUL

Looking for your next investment path? If simply saving your money in the bank (or under your bed) just isn’t enough for you and you’re considering better options, then either mutual funds, unit trust funds, or VUL may be great alternatives.

Which is best among the three? What is the right investment? Which will give you more money in the long run?

Similarities between Mutual Fund, Unit Trust Funds, and VUL

To quickly sum, all of these options are investment wheels and pooled funds, which means it’s equally possible to earn or lose money based on the performance of the fund and the market.

Knowing the differences between these three will help you learn more and arrive with better decisions about money management while earning profit. Most new investors start with Unit Trust then diversify into mutual funds and VUL.

Differences between Mutual Fund, Unit Trust Funds, and VUL

Unit Trust

Unit Trust offers a diversified range of investment products that suits any investor’s investment objectives. It’s unincorporated mutual funds that pass profits directly to its investors rather than reinvesting in the fund. Expert fund managers run the unit trust with trustees who are assigned to ensure that the fund is managed according to its goals and objectives. You can open an account in the majority of leading banks.

There are 3 basic ways to invest in unit trusts funds, namely through Cash, Regular Savings, or Investment through your EPF fund. There are usually no entry fees or upfront fees but management fees and redemption fees may apply. The best way to learn more about your options is of course by checking out the provider where you’ll open a unit trust account.

Mutual Fund

With this, the investor becomes a shareholder of the mutual fund company, giving him or her voting power in the corporation. The investor stands to earn or lose money based on the fund’s performance. These are offered by insurance companies and some banks as well. Some stockbrokers also offer mutual fund products.

You can open a mutual fund account by talking to a licensed mutual fund advisor or fund manager. There can be upfront fees, redemption fees, and management fees depending on the type of mutual fund.


Stands for Variable Universal Life insurance. VUL is both an investment and an insurance plan wherein the insured gets benefits in the future based on the plan or the beneficiaries if he passes away. VUL products are offered in some banks but predominantly by insurance companies.

Simply speak with a life insurance professional to get started. Upfront fees, management fees, and insurance fees may apply based on the VUL product.

Now that you know more about the differences between mutual funds, unit trust funds, and VUL, you can learn deeper by getting to know by checking out a provider’s website or user review forums on the internet. Remember to thoroughly study the investment option you prefer before plunging into investment. Done incorrectly, you may end up wasting money instead of earning. One of the best ways to ensure profit is by signing in with a trusted bank or financial institution with a good track record of results and satisfied customers.

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